All I Talk About?

I feel like I’m always talking about my disease. It is not what defines me but it is new and I’m learning. I feel like a ray of light has shone down on me and I finally have a reason for why I was feeling the way I did. It actually makes me happy that there really was something wrong with me. I had been feeling bad for so long without a diagnosis and I started to feel like people thought I was making it up. But now that I’m diagnosed and trying to tell people about celiac, I don’t want my friends and family to think I’m looking for attention or talking about my illness too much. I have a great support system with my friends (who are like family to me) and my actual family. I just don’t want them to think that all I can talk about is celiac. I know I’m rambling. Just putting things out there.

Fellow celiacs, how do you deal (or did you deal when you were new) with how much you talk about it?

2 thoughts on “All I Talk About?

  1. Probably too much but I don’t care. My family understand and you soon learn to talk only to the friends that understand and care. Coeliac is a BIG DEALso talk as much as you want. I must admit though, my blog helps so much. If no one wants to listen, then the iPad or the PC will.

  2. sleepinghorse, that’s kind of what I’m thinking. My blog will help with the talking. I can say anything I want here and if people choose to read then they can and if not then they don’t have to.

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