Help Found

Well I was doing really well for a few weeks again and then had a setback. My mom was having spaghetti at her house. She didn’t realize that I needed to have absolutely clean items for my foods. I brought my own spaghetti noodles and garlic bread. She told me to rinse my noodles in a strainer. I questioned for a second that it might be contaminated but she’d never used that strainer for spaghetti so I went with it thinking that she knew I couldn’t use the other one. Oh no friends! It was not safe but I didn’t know that yet. The next day, I was so very sick! I couldn’t put my finger on anything except for the spaghetti strainer. I didn’t want to ask my mom thought cause I didn’t want her to think I was accusing her of doing something on purpose (I know she would never do anything on purpose). It was a long weekend. On Monday. I had to take my mom to the store and she knew I was feeling bad. She asked me if I had eaten anything with gluten. I told her nothing I could think of and took the opening to ask her if she rinsed anything in the strainer before I out my noodles in it. She started to say no that it was clean, then said, “oh yeah I rinsed the other noodles in it.” I told her that was enough to make me sick because of the gluten residue left behind. She told me she didn’t realize that I could get sick from that. So I took the opportunity to explain some of the ways I could get contaminated.

Very early Wednesday morning I was in the ER AGAIN! I was actually there on Monday and they did nothing for me. Gave me a shot of pain med and sent me home. No blood work or anything! The doc acted like I was an idiot! Tuesday I got in to see Dr. Reddy. She did more blood work and scripts for antibiotics and Bentyl for the cramping. Percocet didn’t help the pain and just made me sleepy. Tuesday night the pain was terrible and I started vomiting so I went back to the ER. They gave me fluids and pain meds. I finally got some relief and was feeling better.

Saturday night I went out with some friends. Was drinking my vodka and cranberry like a good girl. One of my friends asked to try it. I told him not to use the straw. Explained that not I’m not a germaphobe but he’d been drinking beer and I wouldn’t be able to drink after him. I did worry that even with him not using the straw that some gluten could get into my drink. Yesterday I was feeling like I got glutened. The stomach cramps, need to use the bathroom and nausea set in. I have heard that there is an enzyme that helps if you’re gluten intolerant and get some gluten. I went to Claudia’s (a health food store here in Toledo). They had it. It’s called GlutenEase. I took it and did start feeling better! I certainly wouldn’t use it as a way to purposely eat something with gluten in it but I now have it on hand (and will make sure I always have some) just in case! It was a little pricey at Claudia’s (as is everything there). It was $29.99 for 60 gel caps. I found it online for the same price for 120 gel caps. I definitely recommend it for contaminations though!

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